Eternal Beauty is Possible: 5 Night Time Rituals You Need to Follow


Every individual wants to look good and confident, but the effort required to maintain beauty might seem tiresome. It is a misconception that maintaining beauty consumes too much effort and time. A disciplined routine can do wonders. The daily rituals that we practice add up in the long run and contribute to eternal beauty. In this blog, we’ll discuss 5 night time rituals that will make you look radiant and beautiful every day.

Remove Makeup:

Out of all the skincare rituals, removing makeup stands out as the most important one. Sleeping with makeup on can lead to clogged pores that eventually lead to acne breakouts. Besides, makeup on face during sleep can lower the oxygen level and lead to premature aging. Therefore, it is crucial to take off your makeup before bed. Invest in a quality cleanser that suits your skin type. A night out or an exhausting day can increase laziness, but forgetting to remove makeup is not acceptable. Use a non-alcoholic toner to clean deeper, and moisturize at the end.Beauty rituals to follow during monsoon | Fashion News - The Indian Express

Facial Massage:

Facial massages are a secret weapon for making your skin look radiant and youthful long term. A facial massage promotes blood flow, thus oxygenating fatigue cells and removes toxins. This routine relaxes you, relieves pressure in the temples, and helps reduce puffiness. Using a face serum, begin by spreading it evenly on your face and neck. Rub the skin gently, starting near the chin, then gradually moving to the forehead. Pay extra attention to areas where tension builds up, such as jawline, eyebrows, and around the nose.


Hydration is the key to healthy skin. A hydrated body flushes out toxins and reduces wrinkles, dullness, and dryness. Therefore it is imperative to drink enough water throughout the day. Additionally, hydrate and moisturize your skin before bed. Dry air indoors can cause skin dehydration while sleeping. Hence, a humidifier could help maintain the moisture level in the air. Use a hydrating toner, serum, and a moisturizer with a combination that suits your skin.

Silk Pillowcases:

Silk pillowcases have become popular in recent years, and for all the right reasons. Sleeping on cotton pillowcases can cause hair breakage and frizz, as they cause friction between the hair strands and the material. Silk, on the other hand, not only feels luxurious but also reduces friction, provides slip, and helps prevent hair breakage. The smooth texture of silk also minimizes skin creases caused by pillowcases. Also, silk doesn’t absorb as much moisture, thus keeping your hair and skin hydrated.


Often overlooked as a beauty ritual, proper sleep is crucial for overall wellness and beauty. A night of restful sleep results in the release of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which promotes skin repair and anti-aging. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time will regulate the circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality. Avoid checking gadgets before bedtime, as blue screens emit light that interrupts sleep patterns.
Make some skincare resolutions in 2017 | Fashion News - The Indian Express


Beauty is not a one-day process; it’s a routine. Follow these 5 night time remedies to achieve eternal beauty. Start with removing makeup if you’re wearing any, then embrace a facial massage. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and night. Buy yourself a silk pillowcase and enjoy the many benefits both to your skin and hair. Finally, do not underestimate the value of sleep. Beauty is a reflection of both your inner health and outer care. Maintain this routine, and the results will show in no time.



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